
Changing nature of water management: How do irrigators engage in change?

Changing nature of water management: How do irrigators engage in change?

Today, 28.02.2018, the UK Irrigation Association (UKIA) organizes the conference titled “Changing nature of water management: How do irrigators engage in change?”

The conference is taking place in Orton Hall Hotel, Peterborough, UK.

Many changes are afoot for abstractors as Defra and the Environment Agency seek ways to improve future water resources management for all. Defra has published a plan to reform water regulation by addressing unsustainable abstraction and modernising the abstraction regime. New regulations are now in force which brings exempt abstractions, such as drip irrigation, into the licencing system. And building on Defra’s catchment-based approach (CaBA) introduced in 2011, Defra wants to build a stronger catchment focus which brings together the Environment Agency, abstractors, and catchment groups to take more responsibility for managing catchments and developing local water management solutions.

The topics that will be discussed will answer the following questions:

  • What do all these changes mean for irrigators?
  • Who will manage our catchments?
  • How can abstractors engage with this process?
  • Will this mean more or less water for food production?

This conference is for farmers and growers who irrigate, consultants, suppliers, researchers, government agencies, environmental groups, local authorities, supermarkets and suppliers, all who want to make sure that agriculture gets a fair share of UK water resources.


If you would like to have more information, get the agenda and the presentations of the conference, please click here.