
IJERA, Jordan

IJERA, Jordan

Integrating Jordan into the European Research Area Project
The IJERA is a FP7 funded project (FP7-INCO-2010-6) aiming at integrating Jordan into the European Research Area. The European Research Area is composed of all research and development activities, programmes and policies in Europe, which involve a transnational perspective to enable researchers, research institutions and businesses to increasingly circulate, compete and co-operate across borders.

EFB has been fully involved with the quality control of the project, as well as drafting roadmaps for consortia building and developing synergies between EMARCU/RSS and other research centres through institutional capacity building for international cooperation. Training activities were also essential during the project and EFB mentored and coached through one-to-one sessions to guide the Jordanian research constituency in channelling efforts to maximise the possibilities of submitting competitive proposals in FP7.